

So it has been a while...I stopped working at the office about 3 weeks ago. It was nice having that extra money. We were able to save half of it which is great. It feels good to have some money in the savings. I still feel like I am catching up. The house was neglected big time. Every time I think that I am done with laundry it piles up again.I am starting to think that there must be a never ending hole of laundry in my laundry basket. I try to keep that down stairs as clean as possible with two kids, but seems impossible. I am hoping that within two years we could sell this place and get a House, with an actual back yard. Hey a girl can dream, right?

In other news I have started training for The Disney Princess half marathon which will be in March 2010. I haven't been to the gym in months, but I have started running/ walking with my neighbor and her big dogs. The dogs protect us because you just never know. Not that we live in a bad neighborhood but there was an issues we had earlier this year. Anyway.

This all the time I have right now. Maybe later I can write about everything my monkey's have been up too.

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