For a couple week now Jose and I decided that we want to move out of our Townhouse and rent a bigger house. The problem with that is that we have to fix our place before we can even rent it out and look at other places. We know of some friends of friends that have the perfect house for us and the rent is just what we want but they need someone to move in in the middle of next month. That is just impossible for us. Plus Jose doesn't want to move until he finishes school next spring, but I don't think that I can wait. We NEED more space. We are supposed to go to Key West next month, and I am really close to cancel the trip so that we could move but I really want to go on vacation. See being an adult SUCKS!!! decisions, decisions.
Stop the Clock
The other day I was looking at Gaby and Anthony play and I couldn't believe how big they are getting. Then I realized that Anthony is going to start Pre-School next month and he will be FIVE years old in September. Isn't that insane. Yes, he will be the oldest kid in class because to start Kindergarten in Florida you have to be 5 by September 1st. oh well..I can live with that, plus it will be good for him. I don't think that he is ready for kindergarten anyway. Anthony will be going to a PRE-K at an elementary school and a bus will pick him up; which freaks me out a little.
Gaby will start PRE-K next year, and then I don't know what to do with all my extra time. I think I might go back to work maybe part-time. If I can even find a job. The truth is that it would be nice to have extra money but I don't think that the money is worth the time. ahh! I don't know will see what happens. What would you guys do?
Posted by
Monkeyz Mommy
Saturday, July 17, 2010